How to extend the shelf life of weeds?

How to extend the shelf life of weeds?

If stored properly, weeds can stay fresh for up to 2 years. But even if you don’t plan to store cannabis for that long, knowing how to store cannabis properly will help you get the most out of your cannabis experience. In the final analysis, the key to extending the shelf life of cannabis lies […]

Where can I buy affordable high-quality recreational marijuana in Quebec City?

Where can I buy affordable high-quality recreational marijuana in Quebec City?

It is legal to buy marijuana online at The High Club, and you can buy high-quality recreational marijuana at a reasonable price at The High Club. Why can we produce high-quality cannabis? We undergo strict processes to source our cannabis. We purchase directly from growers who are licensed under Health Canada, to ensure a certain […]

Medical marijuana: what you should know

Medical marijuana: what you should know

What is it? Medical marijuana is made from the dried parts of the cannabis plant. For centuries, humans have used it as a herbal medicine, and today people use it to relieve symptoms or treat various diseases. The federal government still considers it illegal, but some states allow it to treat specific health problems. Key […]

How to keep your cannabis mold-free?

How to keep your cannabis mold-free?

Storage is the most important thing when it comes to keeping your buds away from mold. Cannabis is exposed to inappropriate temperature, light, humidity, and air, and there is a risk of mold, but there are things you can do to extend the shelf life and health of cannabis. First, make sure your weeds are […]

How to identify and avoid buying moldy weeds?

How to identify and avoid buying moldy weeds?

What is mold? Mold is a general term for fungi, which reproduce through lightweight air spores. Humans inhale or ingest a very small amount of mold every day. Since a healthy immune system can successfully prevent any damage, it is usually harmless to use it in small amounts. The mold on hemp buds is the […]