Category Archives: Uncategorized

5 benefits of CBD oil

5 benefits of CBD oil

Before we discuss the main benefits of CBD oil, we must first understand what it is. More than 100 cannabinoids are found in cannabis plants. CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is one of the most famous cannabinoids. The most popular is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short. THC is known for providing many health benefits, especially […]

5 ways medical marijuana relieves anxiety

5 ways medical marijuana relieves anxiety

Although you may think that you need to smoke medical marijuana to feel the full effect, when you take medical marijuana food or use other smokeless alternatives, it can also help you relieve some of the symptoms of anxiety. Get more sleep Anxiety can make you almost unable to fall asleep. You may find yourself […]

6 smoke-free ways to enjoy cannabis

6 smoke-free ways to enjoy cannabis

It may be a bit rough for people who smoke cannabis for the first time. Between the inability to measure time spent smoking, burning throat and coughing, you may find yourself looking for other options. Fortunately for you, there are many ways to get the benefits of cannabis without inhaling! You may want to consider […]

How to smoke cannabis without excessive?

How to smoke cannabis without excessive?

Every smoker starts from a novice, and learning how to smoke cannabis is the first step in every smoker’s journey. Since breathing is a natural process that occurs thousands of times a day, it is strange to think about “how to breathe”. Nonetheless, all people who smoke for the first time start somewhere, and proper […]

The dangers of illegal cannabis

The dangers of illegal cannabis

What is illegal cannabis? Buying cannabis on the black market is illegal. Black market cannabis operates outside the regulatory and legal framework established by the Canadian government. Black market cannabis is mainly composed of the following channels: Illegal online sites that sell cannabis Unlicensed physical pharmacy Street dealers All three channels obtain cannabis supplies from […]